Dream State

I love beautiful paintings, clothes, pastries, teas, make-up, films, books, decorations...whatever...all of it. So what would it be like if they all went together? If I took a painting and thought of the all the things I love that went with it. What gorgeous outfit would I wear to see the painting? What would I eat afterwards? What would I put in my living room to remind of of it later? That's what this is. A confluence of lovely things as informed by a piece of fine art.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Las Meninas

As an omage to the Balenciaga and Spain exhibition at the de Young in San Francisco, and in light of the recent Royal Wedding (because after all royals are royals), I have chosen Diego Velázquez' Las Meninas as my next painting.  I saw Las Meninas in all its glory at the Prado last summer.  It is a huge painting, and quite incredible.  For some, Velázquez, or Vay-lath-kez if you want to be Madrileño about it, is the most important painter of all time.  He was hugely inspirational to Picasso, and indeed as I found out at the de Young exhibit, Balenciaga was influenced by the painting as well.  Interestingly, Picasso was also an influence on Balenciaga.  After five days in Madrid, I was in love with the Infanta.  She was everywhere.  And I can not resist a little girl in such an opulent gown so sure of her own royalty that she need not look at anyone waiting in her.  Nothing is more haughtily royal than turning your head one way and reaching your hand out in the other.  Isn't it just awful being a commoner?

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